
Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Great Reading Adventure Assembly

T3 Recount Practice - The Great Reading Adventure Assembly
Last Friday we had our marvellous assembly its title was The Great Reading Adventure . So we got our costumes on and we had an awesome time Arahia was Duffy and Kaydee was Scruffy we had Kiarn first as Scruffy but he didn’t know how to make his voice with more  expression. So soon or later we told Kaydee if she wanted to do it and she said yes so there was only friend one and friend three after we put the costumes on also Arahia had a red and blue T-shirt and a pink hat also a big D on her hat and T-shirt. Scruffy which was Kaydee had a baby blue colour for her T-shirt she also had a purple and blue hat and had a big capital S on her hat and T-shirt then they got in position and waited and the parents came in and then the audience came in approximately two hundred audience was there also Sir which makes it two hundred and one then they said there part one by one. Then it was Cat in the Hat and Hori had a Cat in the Hat costume but the hat wasn't that big but he still liked it as I said they done there bit one by one they put even more expression it was awesome and then it was Maui and the sun Teina was Maui and his brothers gathered around him. Also Atama was then sun and the legend was about slowing the sun down and they did. Then it was the it was Super Heroes they had a Hulk costume and Iron man all they said was hilarious jokes they were so funny but they came in with eye of the tiger song it was awesome. Soon it was the Non-fiction they had a funny song heaps of people were moving to the beat . It had Dinosaurs,Lion even space it was wicked Carrie had lots of expressions and it was fabulous. Then it was the Harry Potters I was one of the Harry Potters they came in with the Harry Potters song we walked down the aisle and waved our wands at the little Voldemort we each had a script we heard laughter and cheering and babies crying when it was my turn, I felt like my heart was pumping and I felt embarrassed and I thought that I was going to run away. Then it was the Duffy song we all sang along and I saw people doing the actions we had  a great time also I felt like I wasn't embarrassed anymore .   

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