
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Rarangi Matihiko - Our Writing at Waitangi

When we arived at Waitangi I felt galoreise .When I felt the fresh air blowing on my face I felt I was the queen.Then Whaea Monika greeted us by saying hello. Nexted Whaea Kerry came and she took us up the stairs.

 I was scared cause I hated hights . we were in the art gallery it was freaky so i just kept walking forwards then we were in the learning centre I loved the cushions and bean bags  beautifuly laid out.I felt happy and excited nexted we talked about eels I knew lots of facts about eels after Caytlin the rock expert came with a box I thought it was something miysterious. Then  she opened it it was  a bunch of rocks but then she said they helped the maori and told us where they were . They where from the Pacific islands. 

After all that we done a composition I was sure to win because  it looked easy and we had  cards they were muddles up. we had to do 1 to 50 but when I was doing it I heard people saying wheres 5 and 3. I found 1 and 11,21,31 and 41 and put it down in order but somebody else won we were 4th.Then we were going to do scratch we had instruction before we got on the tech.

After we moved on to scratch we had to put our avatar and put some coding with Whaea Monika .she loved my exaple then she told me to move onto the next instruction witch was to go on paint 3D and make a eel we had to go on paint 3D and then go and press the go and press the word sticker then push the tube and comes in any sort s like big to small but I used big to small .Then we had a break and played on the feild we played 2 games and then we went back inside to finish our 3D painting I was up to putting my eel and I put Cleo on my scratch Then I showed Whaea Imogen and she was impressed I done eight speech bubbles and Whaea Imogen told me to to put my eel on and I done 9 speech bubbles on it and I was finished . Then we ended with a waitangi kaoot Whaea Deb played and she won.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well done Anahera. You have elaborated on your ideas and added quality vocab. You are a great speller, please make sure you double check your spelling to spell your fast words correctly. I love your Scratch project, fantastic!


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